Introduction Video:Toxic Sludge is Good For You (a film about making the invisible parts of the PR industry visible)

I. Early Developments in Public Relations

  • The rise of public relations accompanied America’s shift to a consumer-oriented, industrial society at the beginning of the twentieth century.
  • A. P. T. Barnum and Buffalo Bill. The earliest PR practitioners were theatrical agents that courted the favor of the press.

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VIDEO Intro: Ads of the 60s and 70s — 10 minutes

I. Early Developments in American Advertising

  • Advertising has existed since 3000 BC, when shop owners hung signs outside their shops in ancient Babylon.

A. The First Advertising Agencies. The first American advertising agencies were newspaper space brokers, who purchased space in newspapers and sold it to various merchants.

B. Advertising in the 1800s. N. W. Ayer, the first modern ad agency, helped create, write, produce, and place ads in selected newspapers and magazines.

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Blog Post due on 4/11

Posted: April 5, 2011 in Uncategorized

Choose one of the following websites:

These were the examples of publications that had changed the landscapes of magazines. Let’s check in and see if they’re still doing this! Can you find an article, infographic, or design element that is cutting edge or making a difference? Describe it, and tell me how you think it’s inspiring change. Write at least three paragraphs.

Presentation Guidelines

Posted: March 30, 2011 in Uncategorized

You will be doing a presentation on one of the following mediums: newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, or television. Presentations will take place on 4/18, 4/20, 4/25, and 4/27.

Your presentation will be 15 minutes in length. You will either be reading five issues of newspapers or magazines, or listening or watching to 5 hours of the radio, movies, or television. Your presentation should include 2 examples (clips of television, projected news stories) and cover the five steps of media critique.

-Presentation is the proper length and well-practiced and prepared (a few minutes over is okay — a few minutes under will lose you points): 25 points

-Presentation includes 2 examples of your medium that illustrate your point and fit well within your presentation: 25 points

-Presentation has a focused approach, and moves that focus equally well through the five steps of media critique: 50 points

Updated Course Schedule

Posted: March 30, 2011 in Uncategorized

Here is our updated course schedule for the remainder of the semester:

4/11 — Advertising and Commercial Culture

4/13 — Public Relations and Framing the Message

4/18 — Presentations

4/20 — Presentations

4/25 — Presentations

4/27 — Presentations

5/2 — Final Exam Review (will cover Newspapers, Magazines, Movies, Advertising, and PR) (subject to change if we need time for presentations)5/4 — Final Exam (No makeup exams given.)

5/9 — Last day of school. Pick up exams in the classroom, optional meetings available for grades.

VIDEO: Trailer — Devil Wears Prada
I. The Early History of Magazines

The first magazines probably developed in seventeenth-century France as catalogue extensions of the book-publishing industry.

A. The First Magazines. Early magazines were channels for political commentary and argument.

B. Magazines in Colonial America. The first colonial magazines appeared in Philadelphiain 1741, about fifty years after the first newspapers.

C. U.S. Magazines in the Nineteenth Century. The idea of specialized magazines devoted to certain categories of readers developed throughout the nineteenth century.

D. National, Women’s, and Illustrated Magazines. With increases in literacy and public education and faster printing technology, a market was created for magazines such asthe Saturday Evening Post, launched in 1821.

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Reading the article The Day the Movies Died, decide if author Mark Harris is right in asserting that movies are “dead.” Either citing his reporting techniques or debating them (it’s okay to think he’s wrong!), offer an opinion.

After you offer your opinion, assess how he asks you to engage — did he convince you? Will you engage in movies the way he asks?

Chapter 7 — Movies

Posted: March 13, 2011 in Chapter 7: Movies


In his May 19, 2005, review of Star Wars: Episode III, The Revenge of the Sith, movie critic Roger Ebert wrote that this episode “is a return to the classic space opera style that launched the series.” He added that this sixth installment of Star Wars may not be the final one produced. “This is not necessarily the last of the Star Wars movies. Although [producer George] Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII, and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies,” Ebert wrote.

VIDEO: Yoda vs. Sidious

  • Star Wars: Episode III, The Revenge of the Sith earned more than $850 million worldwide.
  • In 2007, Lucasfilm released a number of Star Wars scenes to Eyespot—a new Web-based video editor—enabling fans to remix existing Star Wars scenes into new, creative pieces, which can then be shared online. Eyespot carries 250 sixty-second Star Wars clips, which people can edit and add their own material to, then post their mashups on the Eyespot Web site. While Eyespot typically allows those who create work on the site to own their pieces, this is not the case with the Star Wars mashups. Lucasfilm has forced an agreement with Eyespot whereby Lucasfilm owns the exclusive rights to any completed works that contain Star Wars footage. What’s more, it will even own the commercial rights to the creator’s extra footage. Indeed, George Lucas has become known for vigorously guarding his intellectual property, so this arrangement has not come as a surprise to those who follow copyright issues in Hollywood.
  • Read the rest of this entry »

Study Guide Questions

Posted: March 5, 2011 in Uncategorized

Below are questions to help get you started reviewing for your midterm. We will go over all of these on Monday to help you prepare for the test on Wednesday, and we’ll also discuss some of the questions on the test that are not listed below.

1. In the 18th century, who were newspapers subsidized by?
2. Which two presidents did we talk about who ran papers where they attacked each other?
3. In 19th century press starts to created detached and moderate tone in its reports. Why is this?
4. So if it was profitable, why are we back to having a more opinionated media?
5. We know that in early societies, information and knowledge was circulated slowly through oral tradition. Name one positive and one negative for sharing information this way.
6. Gutenberg invents the movable printing press in the 1400s and it helped the media in three ways. Tell me one of them.
7. The Electronic Age started in the 1840s with the development of the telegraph, which changed society in four ways. Tell me one.
8. Essay: Talk about the five steps of the media critique process, and describe each one.
9. Essay: Think back to the blog you reported on in class. Using the first two steps of the media critique process, describe it.
10. We talked about two people who developed sound recording. Name one of them and describe what they did.
11. What year was Napster founded, and what year did the US Supreme Court rule in favor of the music industry and against Napster?
12. In the late 19th century, the sale of sheet music for piano and other instruments sprang from a section of Broadway in Manhattan. What was this known as?
13. Essay: Think to your record label and your five-step analysis of their business. Summarize that information and tell me what advice you could give them as a media analyst moving forward. (Have at least three ideas for them.)
14. Essay: Remembering our in-class project, create your own radio station, including the following elements:
a. What are your call letters?
b. Tell me what type of music will play throughout the day? (Have at least four different programs and time slots.)
c. Will you include talk radio? News? What will it be, how much will you have, and when will it play?
d. How will your radio show be funded?
e. What type of audience will you hope to reach, and how do you think you’ll reach them? (Will you promote local bands, do events, etc?)
15. We talked about two people who discovered radio waves. Name one.
16. Who invented wireless telegraphy?
17. We talked about two people who invented wireless telephony — name one.
18. The Radio Act of 1927 helped introduce call letters. Which letters are used in the US, and which is used east of the Mississippi, and which is used west of the Mississippi?
19. During the golden age of radio actors would use household items to create sounds that illustrated the story. We talked about 10 different ways they did this — tell me two.
20. We talked about early television’s black-and-white tubes were so primitive that to create the proper contrast
under studio lights, actors had to wear two unusual forms of makeup. What were they?
21. In early television, we talked about the role of corporations like Camel cigarettes. Tell me one example about how Camel sponsoring a newscast differed from today’s television advertisers.
22. We talked about the pros and cons of the business of reality television. Tell me one pro and one con to reality TV.
23. In 2000, Nielsen Media Research released an extensive report on American TV habits. Name two of its findings.

Reflect on Wednesday’s project in class. Tell me what questions you asked that worked, and what you would do differently if you had a second chance.

Next, introduce us to the person you interviewed by telling us a few things you learned about them and at least one great quote they gave you during your interview.

Finally, share your lead and second paragraph.